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Returning to Dove

Dove Audio/Dove Books offices in Beverly Hills.

In the course of researching my book about Dove, I found myself back at the old Dove offices in Beverly Hills this week. Amazingly, not much has changed in the decades since I worked there — at least outwardly. The colors, the trees, the beautiful fountain I could see from my office window upstairs, all feel the same.

It was an amazing place to work. This courtyard is where I photographed Michael Knox, the O.J. juror who was dismissed from the jury early on and told his story. It was my first photograph to get on the cover of a New York Times bestseller — and to top it off, it was also my book cover design — the first of more to come. You'd think I had weeks to work on this key project, but I only found out I would be the photographer a couple of minutes before I was handed the camera. Exciting times indeed.

Returning to a place off work after many years is an interesting experience. In my mind I see the faces of people I worked with, the book covers I designed, the authors and celebrities I had the privilege to work with, and discussing their projects and experiences. For example, having Carl Reiner sitting inches from me in my office while I drew his portrait — I thought I was in a dream.

Did you work at Dove? Please get in touch! I want to hear your stories and memories about the place.

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