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Burt Reynolds

Burt Reynolds autographed drawing

The late, great Burt Reynolds played a part in the Dove Books saga as well.

Burt made his mark in movies of course, but he was a great audio book narrator as well. He dropped by the Dove offices one day where a buffet of snacks had been set up in his honor, during a period of employee turmoil.

As usual, I drew a sketch and he very kindly autographed it (see accompanying image) while we chatted with him outside Michael Viner's office.

Here's an excerpt my journal that day in 1995:

"Burt Reynolds came by and I pulled up a chair for him next to me, so we sat side by side for awhile, along with a few other people who were eating around a desk. Burt quickly became the center of attention, telling stories almost non-stop. When he heard a particular employee was leaving Dove, he yelled out so Michael (Viner) could hear him, “What?!” You people are dropping like flies. Dissension in the ranks! You can’t buy us with food! Too little, too late!” Everyone laughed uncomfortably. Did he know how close he was to the truth?"

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