Working with words
I caught up recently with Michelle, the children's book editor at Dove Books. With an office directly across the hall from mine, we often commiserated by jumping up from our desks, crossing the hall, and giving each other a "What the hell is going on?" look.
Kid's books was Michelle's area of specialty — at least that's why she was brought on. With a background in signing up juvenile titles, it looked like the perfect fit. Alas, that was not to be.
In reality, even with a solid track record in children's publishing, she ended up getting only one author close to a sign up stage — then that fizzled.
Meanwhile, it was open season for FOPs — Friends of the Publisher. Despite valiant attempts by salespeople, book buyers and editors, some of the worst children's books in publishing history got the green light. Objections were sidelined, and objectors pushed aside.