Why write about Dove Books?
Every day I worked at Dove, I thought, "Someone should write a book about this place." Until now, no one has.
I've kept an ongoing journal, or diary, since 1983 on a regular basis. I write about whatever interests me, whatever is going on in my life. The more interesting it is, the more I write.
I wrote a lot about Dove Books.
I have detailed notes on conversations, early morning staff meetings, company policies, how decisions got made, and much more. As I've told friends these stories over the years, they usually respond, "Tell me more!"
That's why I'm writing this book. The stories are too good to keep to myself. Sure, there's sex, affairs, celebrities, OJ Simpson jurors, and stories behind how many of Dove's bestsellers came about. Mainly, these are human stories that I hope will make you smile — even if you don't know anything about Dove Books…yet.