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 Links to explore 

If you want more information about Dove Books, book publishing, graphic design, and other assorted topics, check out the links below.

Dove Books:

LA Times article about Dove

Michael Viner:

Rolling Stone obituary

About Michael Viner: IMDB

New York Times article

Popularity of memoirs:

Article about memoirs being written with great success

Dove Audio:

List of audios by Dove

About the author:

Portfolio of design, photography, illustration and social media

Portfolio of event photography

Huffington Post blogs by Rick Penn-Kraus

5 Things I Learned from Steve McQueen

How to decide if your son should join scouting

Dear World: I apologize for Donald Trump

All content © 2017 by Rick Penn-Kraus   |   Los Angeles   |   California   |   90066
Content subject to change in final printed and electronic books.
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