Returning to Dove
In the course of researching my book about Dove, I found myself back at the old Dove offices in Beverly Hills this week. Amazingly, not...

The story continues
The story about Dove Books continues. While my writing continues about my time there as creative director, I also just finished another...

My Interview with Steve McQueen
As far back as high school, I went after fun stories. As editor at Hamilton High School's Federalist Newspaper, I had the opportunity to...

Burt Reynolds
The late, great Burt Reynolds played a part in the Dove Books saga as well. Burt made his mark in movies of course, but he was a great...

Working with words
I caught up recently with Michelle, the children's book editor at Dove Books. With an office directly across the hall from mine, we often...

Working sales and marketing
How did Dove rate as a business? Those of us who worked there at the time knew it was unusual, from the way manuscripts were selected to...

Bestselling authors share origins of "You'll Never Make Love…"
Some books make history. "You'll Never Make Love in this Town Again" was one of those books. It hit book stores like an explosion, with a...

The longtime friend
My interviews with the people who were at Dove continue! Meet Clive, who probably knew Dove founder Michael Viner longer than anyone else...

#1 Reason People Don't Journal
There are many reasons to write in a journal or diary, but only one reason most people don't, even when they say they want to: "I don't...

Friday Cartoon
What's a Friday Cartoon? It's a cartoon I created at Dove that came out every Friday. In those days, before emails and the internet, I'd...